VATICAT Jesus planted his sow among seeds, with a hoe, Moses supped in tender reeds, hoe down Mississippi, grampa's in the ground, hoe down, down to the shore, a blue car skids to a halt under sun, and out of it crops men in beaver suits hoe down Ala carte Alaska skin boned salmon aloe ishus in the thin tin can of time, cropped dandelions, purple sexed percocets dissolved unnoticed in your rancid wine, chop cheese, Aloe ishus, this is spring when all the madness grows green, and plants get toiled as Jesus rants and hoes up soil, whoa King Biscuit tattooed elegance that mirrors my own toe as it pokes a hole in your wooden angel sunshine shore, you pope an eye out with your holy sceptre, Vaticat has claws and acres of earth to paw, like a leopard holds a leper in its loving jaws. Chop Me into littler Me's, aloe Ishus, Boom Boom!